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Scarrryy marrrry

we heard about a shop which have been out of biz for more than a month. exited giler si amat nie...lompat lompat macam sedara nyer! dat nite itself we drove to the place. so start lar...survey survey...actsen bebol ngan makcik kedai sebelah...look see look see. had our dinner dere also...test test. konon konon jadi spy. got a shock after dat...dearie had his once every 2 years asthma attack. alhamdulillah...he was ok after resting. at his fren's home, si amat and his fren talked about their plans on the shop while watching 'Roh Sara'...citer hantu! terpekik pekik aku! 1+ am! both of us decided to sleep in the hall...den we started hearing the washing machine. looked at it, gez wat, the machine lid was wide open, the clothes still on the floor. ewww....soon after, the cat start whining loudly. sounds more lyk a baby crying to me...eerieee...the cat juz won't move even wen we threw the slippers at it. dearie decided to go down and shooed the cat away. ewwwwwww....then heard footstep inside the house...enuf was enuf, we moved into the room. ok...situation was lil bit better...till the door...ehem ehem...the door opened, it juz open a bit. yes, it opened on its own! then you somehow could feel that someone is peeking into the room. but wen you look at the door, derez no one. ewwwwwww.....tido bawah ketiak si amat pun masih rasa tak sedap. gez i was too tired, dat i fell asleep and the nex moment, i heard the cat whining again. not as loud but still could hear it. i muz have fallen asleep after dat, coz the nex thing i heard was my fone alarm. selamat...quickly had my shower and got out of the house. time check: 6.50am. alarmerk! we sat under the blk, talking about wat we heard the nite before. far, the worst encounter i had in the same house was the knocking on the door i heard while sleeping. went over again to the same house after work...his fren was laughing his head off upon hearing wat happened last nite. he told me tis, "tak kan lar kau aje yg cuci baju. dia pun nak cuci baju dia jugak..." *gulp*


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