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so now i have to admit defeat and go with the flow. i have been blamed for blowing things out of proportion. blame have been shifted and now i have a mouth that is like fu*k. ok so now i shall not say anything. only this time i am keen to ensure that things will turn out different. i shall remain silent but it doesn't mean that i will accommodate. retaliate is top on my list. no plans so far but i take it as it comes. no matter what, for as long as you don't COMPLETELY stop that problem of yours, the life that you are gearing to build together, surely and definately will collapse. i have no faith in it at all. i was determine to walk away but a suicide call has to come in. yah suicide...mak cowwwwww....LAME! i will be who i used to be...i don't see the point of changing my habits and even losing my friends for someone like you who can't even change 1 bad habit.

alar malas nak blog indirectly....kalau aku kawin degan kau kan...KALAU KALAU K...A...L...A...U and kau minum walau setitik pun, aku HARAMKAN kan masuk rumah!

i am beginning to hate life now. hate you even! yah...i hate you! bosan! bingit! benci! bored! sick and tired! name it all.....dobo!

aiyaaaa bottomline is upset!!!!


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