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Yeah got my new Thinkpad...however not the X series like what I have initially requisite for. Got the T series instead...slightly bigger but ok. Engine moving on turbo engine now. Working faster than the businesses and even head office. Weeeee....

Can't show the new lappie to the boy yet as he is still away. He should be back soon...i think. Missing him lots but thankfully I have work to divert my attention to. He got me a watch on his last trip to france. Well still owe him his Fcuk shoe. Will get it for him when he is back from his china trip. Wonder if he is getting me anything from this trip...somethng made in china pun made in china lar...

Anyway, here is wishing us a happy belated 1st! Looking forward to many many years ahead. Love you ok! *don't say i never say* :p


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