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Bang! Bang!

I lost focus....again. The team realises it and knew what caused it. They brought me out and tried to bring me back to Earth. Bad timing as it is also the performance appraisal period. They understood my frustration having to carry the weight of someone else and will surely be the first to be shot. They have asked me to put aside my ego and work it out. Pfft...tough nut to crack there!

On a lighter note, we found the replacement. But we got to wait for 1 month. Its ok for me as I am still able to go for my planned trip at the end of the month.

Anyway, I got this from big boss...

Rooster in the Year of Pig 2007
Avoid visiting the sick and do not observe mourning

The Rooster is good-hearted and gentle. Handles matters honestly and does not like stirring up trouble. They often neglects feeling of other people and speak without caution. Very often, he does not know what he says and do has already offended people thus causing him to have bad human relations. On the exterior, he likes to start something new just in order to be different. In reality, he is quite conservative.

Life for the Rooster is calm and steady without having to worry about clothing and food. The female rooster is virtuous and looks after the household, takes care of the husband and teaches the children well. He is a decisive person and do not believes in others easily. He likes to exaggerate and very often, more talk than work. Therefore, he is advisable seek employment rather than running their own business. He should not do complicated work as it may throw them into confusion making him feels helpless. He is good at dealing with difficult situations and it is where they are successful. For love aspect, opposite party dare not be too intimate with the Rooster because of their exaggerating character and high expectations.

A word of caution for those in a relationship: do not quarrel over trivial matters. Treat each other with due respect and politeness. There will be marriage this year. For those who are still single, the Peach Blossom constellation appears in lunar calendar May. You may find your ideal partner.

Wah piang eh....accurate or not??


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