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Saturday made it all up!

Tho' my Friday nite was ruined by some brat, Saturday definitely made it all up. Kick away all the sorrows, say hello you....*waves*

The company event was almost spoilt but I made it on time (almost), caught Mr Tan and my journey to the venue starts. Bit messy in the morning as my attendance list was with big boss and he came...ehem almost late. My list came in, the T-shirt was a bang - management was happy with it! My mind was all focus for the team building, I enjoyed being around the people and forgot about the unmemorable Friday.

After teambuilding, caught up with a friend. After the hard day and work, after the not happening Friday nite, I was rewarded with crab and prawns - my favourite! Followed by coffee at Shangri-La. I discovered that finance people are really calculative hokay. But some how I manage to squeeze a crab and prawn from an auditor. Hah! As the nite passes by, I was beginning to enjoy the company. I miss having someone who could takes care of my well being. I miss having someone who is able to articulate in a soft spoken manner. I miss having someone who is mature and take own responsibility of their own actions. I miss having someone who is able to understand the evil corporate life and able to give feasible advises. I miss having someone who chooses coffee over alcohol. All these years I felt that I have to take care of someone else's well being. I felt that I have been unfairly held responsible for someone else's silly mistakes or issues. No matter how, no matter what, at the end of the day, the table will turn and I became the one with the problem. Kwa kwa...drop it already! "Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars..."


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